“talent: the innate power to discover the hidden connection between two things — images, ideas, words --
that no one else has ever seen before, link them, and create for the world a third, utterly unique work.”
- Steven Pressfield
\\\\ I am Eric Kenney. |
I am a US Army Protected Veteran turned driven, professional Digital Artist, Illustrator, and Designer. |
Here at erickenneycreative.com, I hope to share with you my works and journey as a professional artist in the wild, heeding the call, pushing the limits of my imagination, traversing industries, and sharing any insights and observations granted me as I continue to discover just what it takes to forge an idea into something real for the world to experience and enjoy.
With that said, I offer 15 years of significant In-house and Freelance experience in:
Current and Former Employers and Clients I've had the honor to produce work for: |